Szomolya, Kaptárkövek (M-40 alapszelvény: Gyulakeszi Riolittufa Formáció gMo)

Kérjük görgess

Kérjük görgessen
Szomyola Hives StonesRocks of the Miocene volcanism - dacite tuff and rhyolite tuff - play a simple role in the construction of the Bükkalja. The most characteristic surface shapes of the Bükkalja volcanism are the hive stones, their geomorphological appearance is primarily related to the exposure and the weather conditions. In the course of the desolation, waterfalls deep into the tuff surface cut the hillsides into rocky ridges and separate towers. It was tailored to separate towers. People from ancient times carved niches onto the sides of these rocks and to cone-shaped stone towers.. The original purpose of the booths has not yet been clarified. It was once thought of as a cavern of Celtic tribes pr sacrificial or idolatry cavities of pagan rites of the Conquest times of Hungary, - or beekeeping is favored for excavated cavities. On the western slope of the Szomolya Vén-hill is the largest hive-stone group of Bükkalja with the most niches. The rock material of the suppositories is the Gyulakeszi Rhyolite Tuff Formation, mostly fallen, avalanche, freatomagmatic (spherical concave, tuffagallacic) and accumulated rhyolite tuff, tuffitic variants. Their date of birth can be estimated 21 to 18.5 million years ago by radiometric studies. The rhyolite-tuff line stretching over a hundred meters above the Hive Valley split into eight larger rock groups with 117 niches. The most beautiful is the Fourth Rock, also known as the King's Rock, which is divided into larger and several smaller cones, similar to a domed furnace, and has 48 niches. The cabs vary in size and depth. The largest niche is 112 cm, average height 60 cm, width 30 cm and depth 25-30 cm. There are frames around the edges of intact booths, with holes at the edges. During the archaeological excavations in the area of Szomolya hive stones, ceramic fragments of the 14th-15th centuries were found. Based on these, this time is considered the upper limit of use. The Szomolya Hive Stones Nature Reserve is managed by the Bükk National Park Directorate.