As part of the RiWild INTERREG project of the Bükk National Park Directorate the research on the footprinted sandstone continues, the expert of the Herman Ottó Museum of Miskolc stated about the newest discoveries in the media.
Dr. Gábor Botfalvai paleontologist gave a statement on the importance of further ichnofossil studies at Ipolytarnoc in the Trend FM Földgömb a Monitor Délután radio interview on July 21. The link for the record.
The results of the 3D laser scanning helped newest research will appear in scientific journals and promotional articles in mainstream newspapers as well. As an example the article titled Large-sized pentadactyl carnivore footprints from the early Miocene fossil track site at Ipolytarnóc (Hungary): 3D data presentation and ichnotaxonomical revision is to be published in the Historical Biology journal soon.
We just hope, that by following the advancements on footprints our readers will appear too in our Miocene Park, which is the main gateway to the transnational, Slovak-Hungarian Novohrad-Nograd UNESCO Global Geopark. The geosite can provide interesting programs and discoveries for all generations.