Old village of Hollókő

Old village of Hollókő
Old village of Hollókő
Old village of Hollókő
Old village of Hollókő
Old village of Hollókő

Hollókő is the only village in Hungary that is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and is known worldwide. Besides Budapest, the Palóc village of Nógrád county, Hollókő was the first of the Hungarian sites to be listed on the World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee in 1987. Hollókő fulfills the most important condition, the unique and universal significance by the fact that the village, built in the 17th-18th century, is a unique example of its traditional settlement, traditional architecture and pre-20th century village life, which has been preserved in its original state. Hollókő evolved in a gentle and harmonious symbiosis with nature and has not yet become an open-air museum: it is a living, inhabited settlement to this day. Most of the buildings are still being used as intended by the traditionalist inhabitants. The village museum has been operating since 1964 in a picturesque setting, with the picture of preserved village, which shows the lifestyle, apartment, furniture and economic means of a typical Palóc peasant family.

Location, approach:

The settlement is located in the central part of Nógrád county, in the Cserhát Mountains, southeast of Szécsény and northeast of Pásztó. The village of only a few hundred inhabitants is a World Heritage Site. The village can only be reached by public road from Szécsény direction and from the main road No. 21 in front of Pásztó to the side road No. 2122.


The history of the village dates back to the 13th century. The castle was built on the Szár-hill after the Tartar invasion.There is an old legend attached to the fortress built on the rock, which according to the locals also explains the name of the settlement. It happened that a certain András Kacsics kidnapped the beautiful lady of the neighboring landlord and locked him in a castle under construction. However, the woman's nurse, who was a "witch", allied himself with the devil and persuaded her sons to change form into ravens and deconstruct the castle stone-to-stone to free her from the fortification surrounding her.The Ravens did so - to be honest they did not scatter the stones - but they built a new castle on a nearby basalt rock.This became Hollókő Castle, and the village below the castle ruins is Hollókő. It was actually named after the area below the castle (which was a favorite place for ravens) and the settlement was named after the castle. Since the charters of the period mostly refer only to the castle, the village is known from the Middle Ages to the fact that it dates back to the 14th century. In the first half of the 14th century it was a place of worship. Like many other settlements, Hollókő became depopulated during the Turkish occupation: in 1715, only three taxable households were subject to county censuses. It could soon be resettled, as it was already listed as a noble village in 1720 (which meant that its inhabitants were exempt from paying tax). Due to the unfavorable production conditions of the area, the development of the settlement has been stalled for a long time. Fires repeatedly devastated in the settlement, as the houses were built of wood, without foundation and covered with easily flammable shingle roofs, and above open fireplaces they were ventilated only by smoke holes. The great fire of 1909 was the turning point: the now adobe houses were raised on a stone foundation and covered with rafters, tile shingles, retaining their original shape.

Old Village:

Hollókő represents the typical single-street village type in the region, the basic structure of which is the double line of houses located on narrow strip plots perpendicular to the central road. In Palóc settlements, large families usually built on a single plot, and as the family grew, a new one was simply built behind the first house facing the street. In the center of the village, on an "island" at the top of a hill, stands a small church with a wooden tower, built in 1889 for public donations. The building's exceptional condition and simplicity make it a real jewel. Located in the center of today 's less than 400 settlements, the monument includes a total of 67 protected buildings - mostly one - storey, gabled roofed gable houses, whose front walls are lined with wooden column posts, covered with wooden column posts.


- Village Museum (Kossuth u. 82): displays the typical interiors of Hollókő from the early 20th century. Periodically available: April 1st to October 31st.
- Postal Museum (80 Kossuth Street): The Permanent Exhibition entitled "The Post of the Palócföld" presents in two rooms the development of the postal network of the multi-county ethnographic group, the Palócság and the related postal memories.
- Castle Museum (Castle Hill): presenting plans for restoring the castle, the castle reconstruction works and the tools found during the excavation at several locations.

New village

Even before the title was awarded 22 years ago, the village was considered a popular holiday resort, but the World Heritage rank was another temptation.70% of the villagers are retired and the average age is over 50. The cultural center of the settlement has a capacity of 150 people. There is only a lower elementary school in the local elementary school. The upper ones study in Szécsény, 18 km away. There is a kindergarten in the village, which does not need to be closed due to the lack of births.

Main sights:

- Old Village (Kossuth Street and Petofi Street) - Village Reserve, comprising 56 protected buildings
- Hollókő Landscape Protection Area
- Village Museum in Hollókő (Kossuth Lajos utca 82)
- Postal Museum
- Hollókő Country House
- Doll Museum
- weaving houses (Kossuth Lajos utca 92 and 94)
- Exhibition and House of Ferenc Kelemen Wood Carver (Petőfi u. 2.)
- Catholic Church (wooden tower built at the end of the 19th century)
- Hollókő Castle


1 Vorstellung / Introduction

1 Vorstellung / Introduction

04/19/2023 1:59 PM
Ronja:Jó napot! Mein Name ist Ronja Köhler und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Meine Heimat ist Lübeck eine Stadt im Norden von Deutschland in der Nähe der Ostsee. In meiner Freizeit war ich schon immer gerne in der Natur, an manchen Tagen um meine Gedanken während eines Spazierganges zu ordnen, an anderen um bei Baumpflanz und Müllsammel Aktionen teilzunehmen. Weil die Natur für mich gleichzeitig ein Ort zur Entspannung und ein Ort zum Lernen darstellt, habe ich mich entschieden mich bei Kulturweit für einen Naturfreiwilligendienst zu bewerben. Meine Hoffnung war es gleichzeitig in der Natur zu sein und mehr über die Bio und Geodiversität unserer Erde zu erfahren, außerdem wollte ich gerne etwas zurück geben für all das was wir von der Natur bekommen.Über die Unesco-Komission wurden Marei und ich dann in den Bükk Nationalpark geschickt und so haben wir die einmalige Möglichkeit bekommen ein halbes Jahr in Ungarn zu verbringen. Hier lernen wir nicht nur die Natur auf vielfältige Weise zu betrachten, wir versuchen uns an einer neuen Sprache und dürfen ganz viele neue Menschen kennenlernen, aber auch uns selbst lernen wir von einer neuen Seite kennen. Nach dem halben Jahr hier in Ungarn möchte ich gerne ein weiteres halbes Jahr arbeiten und Reisen. Mich interessiert es sehr verschiedene Länder kennenzulernen, neue Menschen zu treffen und verschiedene Ökosysteme verstehen zu lernen. Nach einem Jahr des Lernen, Reisens und neue Eindrücke sammeln, möchte ich zum Wintersemester diesen Jahres anfangen zu studieren. Momentan interessiere ich mich mich sehr für Soziologie, Psychologie und Politikwissenschaften. In den nachfolgenden Artikeln versuchen wir einen kleinen Einblick in unsere Erfahrungen zu geben und ein paar Eindrücke zu teilen uns ist es sehr wichtig darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass es sich hier um individuelle Berichte handelt, welche nur unsere subjektive Wahrnehmung wiederspiegeln. Viel Spaß beim Lesen !Jó napot! My name is Ronja Köhler, and I am 19 years old. My hometown is Lübeck, a city in northern Germany near the Baltic Sea. I always enjoyed being out in nature, some days just to clear my mind while working, and others to participate in tree planting and rubbish collecting activities. Because nature, for me, is a place to rest and learn simultaneously, I decided to apply for the Kulturweit nature volunteer program. I hoped to be in nature while learning more about bio and geodiversity on earth; furthermore, I wanted to give back to nature something for everything we get from nature.The UNESCO Commission sent Marei and me to the Bükk National Park. We got the wonderful opportunity to spend six months here in Hungary. Here we learn to look at nature in various ways and try to learn a new language, and meet many new people. Also, we learned a lot about ourselves during our stay in Hungary.After half a year in Hungary, I would like to work and travel for another half year. I am very interested in getting to know different countries, meeting new people and learning to understand diverse ecosystems. After a year of learning, travelling and gaining new impressions, I would like to start studying in the winter semester of next year. At the moment, I am very interested in sociology, psychology and political science. We want to share some of our experiences and impressions in the following articles. We must point out that these are individual reports, which are only representations of our own Perceptions. Have fun while reading!
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